Saturday, November 21, 2009

Buisness Men And Their Umbrella's

There's one thing I have noticed about airline travel ... it seems to bring out the selfishness in all of us.
The other day I was on a flight to Orlando. My boyfriend was putting his luggage in the overhead bin and a man sitting a row accross from us started fussing that my bf's luggage was now blocking his umbrella. Apparently if the umbrella wasn't visible this man was worried about leaving it behind. My boyfriend reassured him that he would remind him of his umbrella once we arrived in Orlando. But reassurance did not comfort this man one bit. He kept shaking his head in disapproval and looking over at me as if I was supposed to inform my boyfriend of how inconsiderate he was being.
Now seriously, how can you claim a whole overhead bin for one umbrella? Especially when theres no other space available!
I notice scenarios like this all of the time. So many people never willing to help another fellow traveler out ... why is that? We teach our kids to share and be fair. Why does it seem that the adults need the lesson ... must we go back to our Barney days? What's the harm in putting your laptop case under the seat in front of you to accommodate a larger bag... why not take a seat in the back so the person with the handicap can take your seat in the front? So many different scenario's, so little time ...
I don't know, it's just a thought. Pass it on ... and whatever you do, never mess with a buisness man and his umbrella.

1 comment:

  1. Haha the umbrella's! I've seen this scenario! I just don't get people's lack of consideration these days! By the way I learned ALOT from Barney! haha
