Friday, March 26, 2010

What Not to do on an Airplane

It was my last flight of 13 in a 4 day span ... everything had gone smooth up until this point. It was our "go home" flight... what possibly could go wrong? We were finishing up the boarding process. I was in the back working the "B" position and about to walk through the cabin and count the number of passengers we had. That's when I noticed a couple somewhere in their early 40's making out like they had just reached puberty. Disgusting!
It was like soft porn. And to make matters worse there was a young father and son sitting behind them. The father kept looking over at me to do something but I was in complete shock ... How could two adults think this was ok? 
I walked up to the front of the cabin and told the other flight attendant what I had just saw. Out of curiosity, she walked to the back of the cabin and was too appalled by their behavior. Not really knowing what to do we decided to ask the pilots for their opinions ... they found it entertaining but still no good ideas. I wish our Flight Attendant Manuel had a section for situations like this.
As time went on the making out got progressively worse. It finally got to the point where the guy had the woman pinned up to the window. I think if nothing were said they would have pushed it even further. After going back and forth to see who had the guts to say something the other flight attendant marched over and asked them, politely, to please act more decent in front of the other passengers. phewwww!

This type of stuff pisses me off. If you want to act like animals then rent yourself a private jet, go join the mile high club ... whatever you need to do. But be curtious of those around you.

People never cease to amaze me.

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